Life Guardians are a community of Old Millhillians who are stakeholders in the Foundation. They take an active interest in supporting the Court of Governors, the CEO, and the Heads of the Foundation Schools and contribute to the progress and success of the Foundation. Many do this because they wish to give something back to the Foundation in return for the education they received or because of their strong feelings for the School and a desire to be a part of its continued success.
Life Guardians make a difference to a pupil’s life. Over several years, Life Guardians have helped many talented pupils to benefit from a Mill Hill School education which would otherwise have been unaffordable.
Life Guardians provide financial support to the McClure Memorial Trust which funds the Foundation's prestigious McClure scholarship. This award is made every other year to a student or students when joining the Sixth Form. It may be given to a pupil who is moving from the Fifth Form into the Lower Sixth or an external applicant who is joining the School for their A Level courses.
The Life Guardians Committee provides the Trustees for the McClure Memorial Trust
Life Guardians help shape and influence Foundation policy and direction. The Life Guardians have a number of important duties which are laid down in the Articles of the Mill Hill School Foundation at Clause 13. The Articles require Life Guardians to provide a minimum of 5 Life Guardians to be members of the Court of Governors. To this end the Life Guardians Committee actively maintains an up to date list of potential candidates for appointment as Governors to the Court.
The Articles also require the Foundation to provide an Annual Meeting for Life Guardians.
In advance of the Annual Meeting, the Life Guardians receive the Foundation accounts and annual reports on the educational and financial progress of the Foundation from the CEO and Chairman of the Court of Governors. The information provided is traditionally extensive and detailed and the Life Guardians who attend the Annual Meeting have the unique opportunity to raise questions of the CEO and the Chairman on any matters in their Reports or, indeed, any matters regarding the Foundation. The answers are minuted and sent to all Life Guardians, not just attendees at the meeting. In this way, Life Guardians often receive information before it reaches the public domain.
At the Annual Meeting, Life Guardians approve election and re-election of Governors to the Court.
Only Life Guardians have these benefits and privileges.
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